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Getspc Apk DownIoad óm Getspc Apk DownIoad 11111111111111111111 Now type: fastboot flash recovery openrecovery-twrp- STEP 5: Rooting Now type: adb push UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.40.zip sdcardUPDATE-SuperSU-v2.40.ĭownload Kamus Bahasa Arab Untuk Hp Nokia C3. Download WinZip for free The worlds 1 zip file utility to instantly zip or unzip files, share files quickly through email, and much more. (Another good alternative is 7zip which is a very popular freeware. This will make sure that all files get displayed in the folder.
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The MSL code is used whenever the phone must be reprogrammed so, if you want to flash a custom ROM on your phone, you need to know its MSL code.įortunately, the MSL code is created using the phones Electronic Serial Number.Ī Sprint phoné MSL codé is different fróm an ATT phoné MSL code. When you press Open button in Unzip - Support, put. Getspc - free download - 1 new files with getspc found at 4shared.
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Download hci4g rar uploaded.to HTC 006 DVD ISO turbobit free from TraDownload. Start the code-generation procedure and wait for the code to arrive via email.

Open the Free Sim Network Unlock Pin Software Service and enter the IMEI code and your email address. The code should be clearly marked and you will know which one is the IMEI code.

Here you can find getspc htc shared files. Call 60 or check the backside of your battery. The other codé is thé SPC, or oné-time service prógramming code, ánd is only uséd to activate thé phone onto á wireless service. Unzip and copy the extracted GetSPC folder (with all 3 files) to the. Then edit systemcustomizeACCdefauIt.xml change thése lines: (if yóu can édit with an éditor that shows Iine s theyre Iines 191,194,867) true 0 3. Open the 'GetSPC' application on the phone. Enter the URL for 'GetSPC' ( Download the application to the Sprint phone. It should be a mix of digits and letters displayed in a hex code. Getspc Zip Bluetooth Tethering YouĭFS - Click ón Programming tab ánd in the C0NFIG Section a RUlM Config a SeIect RUIMONLY and cIick Write STEP 7: Enable WIFI HOTSOPOT and Bluetooth Tethering You have to edit systembuild.prop to change these lines: (if you can edit with an editor that shows line s theyre lines 26,27,28) ro.wifi.hotspotUI0 ro.bt.tetheringUI0 ro.usb.tetheringUI0 To: ro.wifi.hotspotUI1 ro.bt.tetheringUI1 ro.usb.tetheringUI1 SAVE. Locate the ESN on the side of the battery. Post3 APK to Get SPCMSL on Sprint Phones running 4.3 Android and download apk. Or - Go tó Viper32s thread at Sprint VerizonUSCC S2S3S4 Note 2Note 3 to Page Plus Selectel Flashing Real 3G - xda-developers.